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The First Innovative Technology, “High Heat Dissipation Environmental Protection Integrated Circuit Board,” Allows LED Strip Lighting Applications.

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LED strips are no longer only used for decoration because of the innovative application of high heat dissipation integrated circuit board technology; LED strips can replace lamps and even replace panel lights and other main lighting products.

Anpllopcb released a high heat dissipation wire-free circuit board technology, which has attracted wide attention from LED industry experts and enterprises.

Physical cutting method process circuit board, LED technology innovation under the environmental protection ban

LED is a green energy-saving product, but in the manufacturing process of LED, there are some links to environmental pollution phenomenon, which is sad. In recent years, because of the government’s rigorous investigation of ecological protection, some enterprises have been due to environmental issues shutdown, including the closure of enterprises, resulting in the industry chain being out of stock. Especially the LED circuit board; the traditional circuit board uses a chemical etching method of manufacturing after more than 20 processes for acid washing, water washing, etc., resulting in a lot of water pollution and energy waste.

So Anpllocpb organized a scientific research team. Our initial intention of research and development was to think whether we could use an innovative and environmentally friendly process to manufacture circuit boards.

Initially, the research team abandoned the traditional chemical etching method and opted for the more technically complex and costly physical cutting method. After repeated trials, Anpllopcb’s product was finally launched.

The process does not produce any waste water or exhaust gas, realizing the entire process is truly environmentally friendly. Moreover, the cutting process does not cause environmental pollution after cutting off the unnecessary copper because the copper is 99% pure and can also be recycled for secondary reuse.

“Modern enterprises, especially manufacturing enterprises, must assume social responsibility. anpllopcb is to bring this concept of environmental protection and energy saving to circuit board manufacturing, adhering to green smart manufacturing.

Circuit board to solve the problem of heat dissipation LED strip can replace the lamp.

Will the performance of the material be sacrificed for environmental protection?

Innovative companies will undoubtedly consider the creation of technology for industry development and product enhancement that promote the role. We have previously been curious about the light band so beautiful products, why in the application of many times can only be hung in the large row of trees, or for auxiliary lighting.

Later, this has a lot to do with heat dissipation; the traditional circuit board heat is very concentrated, and heat dissipation and LED power can not be enhanced, so the strip can only be used as a decorative product.

LED is most afraid of heat; how can the circuit board dissipate the heat? For this reason, Anpllopcb works on the material, independently adding heat-conducting particles and heat-dissipation materials so that the circuit board has a heat-dissipation function. Also, due to the unique cutting technology, two layers of copper are combined to form a wireless circuit board, spreading the heat generated by the lamp beads to the whole circuit board.

Take An: Non wire series circuit board made of a wire-free strip as an example; the temperature of its lamp beads is 5 to 10 degrees lower than that of the conventional strip with the same circuit, the same power, and the same power supply, which in turn makes the performance and life of the wire-free strip significantly improved.

Anpllopcb profoundly understands: “do not do products behind closed doors, around their products, more important is the urgent needs of customers, think of the terminal. Let the terminal product improve; the upstream raw materials are more valuable. Many customers have already used these strips instead of lamps as the main lighting products.

With heat dissipation solved, Anpllopcb’s circuit boards make super bright lighting grade strips possible. While conventional strips on the market are commonly 300 to 400 lumens/m, wireless strips made with AN- Nonwire series circuit boards are as low as 700 lumens, and many are now up to 1200 lumens/m, breaking through the requirements for decorative grade applications and making strips an actual product for primary lighting applications.

The automated process overturns the tradition, saving 80% of labor.

The manufacturing process will be relatively easy if environmental protection and performance are improved.

Anpllopcb’s R & D team found a problem, the traditional light strip and circuit board are 0.5 meters, 1 meter, 1-meter circuit board made into a light strip requires manual welding, connected up and also with the light strip two main lines in parallel, all processes are manually operated, the traditional light strip manufacturing has become a labor-intensive industry, low efficiency, high labor, high-quality risk.

Anpllopcb R&D team logo: “In the research and development, we have been thinking about achieving full process automation. Traditional light strip a circuit board and then parallel with two core wires, we integrated the two core wires into the circuit board, made a special Nonwire series of the circuit board for the non-conductor light strip, eliminating the manual hook-up and parallel process, greatly reducing the labor, but also to avoid the instability of personnel operations to the finished light strip quality risks. Meanwhile, the AN- Nonwire series circuit board is not 0.5m, 1m, but 50m, 100m, or even 150m roll-to-roll circuit board, eliminating manual splicing. If a traditional light strip requires 100 people, with our solution, only 20 people are needed, reducing the dependence on personnel by 80%.”

“We have a lot of micro-innovations in materials, including colored strips; these strips have colors in addition to the lamp beads; the circuit board can also develop corresponding colors according to customer needs to achieve the color compensation effect. anpllopcb not only provides products but also subverts the design and manufacturing of traditional strips from materials and applications, forming a complete solution that tells customers How to achieve automated production with this type of circuit board and what configuration to use to reach higher and more stable performance.

About Anpllopcb, I was walking with the industry in innovation.

With the products and concepts, Anpllopcb brings to you this time; we hope to change the phenomenon of traditional LED strips that are not environmentally friendly, have high energy consumption, and have low performance.

In terms of performance, we hope to change the traditional strip only as a cosmetic grade product and to truly expand the application of flexible strip as a high brightness main lighting product. anpllopcb also hopes to provide unlimited possibilities for customers’ automated production through the material, process, and application innovation.

Anpllopcb has achieved cross-border innovation in materials and LEDs and is now one of the few high-tech companies that can use environmentally friendly non-etching processes and flexible circuit boards.

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